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Grade R

AGE: 5 to 6 years old

In the Grade R class, our main aim is to prepare the children for Grade 1 in a holistic way. We help develop their self-confidence, independence, and emotional maturity, and lay the foundation so that they are ready to learn mathematical and literacy concepts according to our curriculum that is based on the WCED Curriculum.

What you might want to know

When a child is learning to read, they learn how to blend phonetically true sounds together. For example c-a-t. If a child only knows the names of each letter, when they try to blend “see-ay-tee” the result will never be cat.

Firstly, be sure that you teach you child their full first name. A nick name or shortened version will not help in the long run. Secondly, make sure to start with a capital letter then continue in lower case. Uppercase letters may be easier to write, but it will be meaningless going forward.

A movie or game on the tablet/phone requires very little imagination, proper listening skills or proper posture. At school, children need to sit on the carpet or at the table with good posture, focus on what their teacher is saying and not others around them and use their own experiences to make meaningful connections with the new information. All this requires strong core muscles and an ability to stay focused independently.

Absolutely YES. Teaching children good social skills is one of the most important concepts at school. We will never leave a child to play alone if they don’t want to.



Deonné Harmse
Christolene Coenraad
Assistant Teacher

Dinomite Class


Michelle Ferreira
Gertruida Filander
Assistant Teacher

Beertjieklas / Teddy Bear Class

Dual Medium / Tweetalig

Annelize Augustyn
Louisa Sass
Assistant Teacher

Lion Class / Leeuklas

Dual Medium / Tweetalig

Bianca Lak
Evelyn Bonke
Assistant Teacher


Resources to download

Education starts in the classroom and continues at home. Use these helpful resources to continue your child’s learning journey, and help them to develop and grow.

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